Hangad New Songs

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Showing posts with label mga kanta sa misa. Show all posts

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C - February 16, 2025

 Thank you po sa mga naghintay. Pasensya na ulit at kung last week lang ulit kami nakabalik dahil nagkaproblema sa budget. Alam n’yo estudyante pa.
The 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C focuses on themes of trust, resurrection, and true happiness. The readings highlight the importance of relying on God and the hope found in Jesus Christ’s resurrection.
  • Trust in God: Jeremiah warns against trusting in human strength and calls for trust in God. True happiness comes from relying on God, not on ourselves.
  • Blessings and Curses: Jeremiah speaks about the blessings for those who trust in God and the curses for those who trust in humans. These verses remind us to seek blessings through faith in God.
  • Resurrection Hope: In 1 Corinthians, Paul defends the resurrection of Jesus. He explains that our faith depends on the truth of Jesus rising from the dead.
  • Eternal Life: Paul emphasizes that without resurrection, our faith is useless. The resurrection gives us hope for eternal life with Jesus.
  • True Happiness: In Luke, Jesus teaches about the blessings of the poor and hungry. He contrasts their future joy with the sorrow of the rich and satisfied.
  • Warnings of Woe: Jesus warns those who are rich, full, and laughing now. Their comfort is temporary, and they need to seek true happiness in God.
The readings for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C encourage us to trust in God and find hope in Jesus’ resurrection. They remind us that true happiness is found in faith and reliance on God, not in worldly things. (text credits:,calls%20for%20trust%20in%20God.)
Entrance Song:
1.    Lungsod nga Balaan
2.    Diha sa Halaran
3.    Sa Piging ng Panginoon (Tabuena, Hontiveros)
4.    Glory and Praise to our God (Schutte)
5.    Happy are the Ones (Schutte).
6.    Seek the Lord (O’Connor)
  • First Reading – Jeremiah 17:5-8: Those who trust in people are like barren bushes in the desert. Those who trust in the LORD are like fruitful trees by the water.
  • Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 1: Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.
Those who avoid the wicked and delight in God’s law are blessed and prosper. The wicked are like chaff blown away by the wind. God watches over the righteous.
  • Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20: If Christ is not raised, our faith is useless and we remain in sin. But Christ is risen, the first of those who have died.
  • Gospel – Luke 6:17, 20-26: Jesus blesses the poor, hungry, and sorrowful, promising them future joy and rewards in heaven. He warns the rich, well-fed, and joyful of future sorrow, highlighting how ancestors treated true and false prophets.

1.    Gasa sa Gugma (Koro Viannista)
2.    Diyutay lang Kini (Koro Viannista)
3.    Dios Nia Ko
4.    Narito Ako, Panginoon (Que)
5.    Paghahandog ng Sarili (Ofrasio, Hontiveros)
6.    Paghahandog ng Sarili (Arboleda, Francisco)
7.    Panalangin sa Pagiging Bukas-Palad (Arboleda & Francisco)
8.    Panalanging Maging Bukas-Palad (Rodrigo & Ramirez)
9.    Panginoon, Narito Ako (Isidro, Que)
10.  Dwelling Place (Foley)
11.  Prayer for Generosity (Arboleda) “I do Your Most Holy Will”
12.  Prayer of Rupert Mayer (Francisco) “Because You will it, it is blest”
13.  Take and Receive
14.  Take, Lord, Receive (Foley)
1.    Gugma’g Paglaum (Fernandez)
2.    Ang Kinabuhing Mahinungdanon
3.    Natawag Ko na Ikaw
4.    Ang Mabuhay sa Pag-ibig (Tabuena & Hontiveros).
5.    Bawat Sandali (Gan, Francisco)
6.    Kaibigan Kapanalig (Ofrasio, Hontiveros)
7.    Dakilang Pag-ibig (Pangilinan, Hontiveros).
8.    Diyos ay Pag-ibig
9.    P of the G 4 if not used as Offertory Song
10.  O Diyos, Iniibig Kita (Rodrigo, Hontiveros) A bit Lenten, though.
11.  Pag-alabin Aming Puso (Francisco) A bit Lenten, though.
12.  Pagkabighani (Alejo, Francisco) A bit Lenten, though.
13.  Pananalig (Borres, Francisco)
14.  Panunumpa (Gonzales)
15.  Sa ‘Yo Lamang (Borres, Gan, Francisco) “Pagtalima’y aking sumpa.”
16.  Saan Kami Tutungo (Macalinao, Hontiveros)
17.  Breath of God (Hatch, Francisco)
18.  Eye Has Not Seen (Haugen)
19.  I Love the Lord (Aquino)
20.  Turn to Me (Foley). Prioritize Stanza 2.
1.    Kinsa?
2.    Ang Tawag
3.    Pagmamahal sa Panginoon
4.    Glory and Praise to our God (Schutte)
5.    Happy are the Ones (Schutte). Go straight to Stanza 2.
6.    Seek the Lord (O’Connor)

2nd Sunday of Advent - Year C - December 8, 2024

Salamat po sa mga bumisita. Baka may pamasko din po kayo HAHAHAHA
We will post also the suggested line-up of songs for Simbang Gabi and Misa de Gallo here for you to practice it and have an idea kung ano ang pwedeng idagdag sa line-up ninyo.
December 15 pm and 16 am  
December 16 pm and 17 am
December 17 pm and 18 am
December 18 pm and 19 am 
December 19 pm and 20 am
December 20 pm and 21 am
December 21 pm and 22 am
December 22 pm and 23 am
December 23 pm and 24 am
The 2nd Sunday of Advent Year C calls us to prepare for the coming of the Lord. The readings guide us to reflect on God’s promises and our own spiritual readiness. The following are the themes for you to create your own line-up of songs:
  • Preparation for the Lord: John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus. We are called to make our hearts ready for Christ’s coming.
  • God’s Promise of Salvation: Baruch speaks of God bringing His people back to Him. This reminds us that God always keeps His promises of salvation.
  • Call to Repentance: John the Baptist calls people to repent and be baptized. Repentance helps us clear the way for Jesus in our lives.
  • Joyful Expectation: Paul expresses joy in the Philippians’ faith and growth. Advent is a time of joyful waiting for Jesus.
  • Unity in Christ: Paul prays for the Philippians to grow in love and knowledge. We are encouraged to grow together in faith and love.
  • God’s Guidance: Baruch speaks of God leading His people with joy. God’s guidance is with us as we journey in faith.
These themes help us focus on the true meaning of Advent. As we prepare for Christmas, we are reminded of God’s love and our need for spiritual readiness.
Important Ideas: Preparing the way, making the path straight, waiting, welcoming the coming One.
Note:   Instrumental solos are bawal kapag advent. Be subdued. Be moderate.
            No Gloria for this Season

1.     Andama ang Dalan, swak sa Gospel
2.     Umanhi Ka Mesiyas
3.     Purihin ang Panginoon (Isidro, Ramirez) Prioritize 3rd Stanza: “...Kaya’y Panginoo’y dinggin; ang landas Niya’y tahakin..”
4.     Halina’t Umawit (Flores, Villaroman)
5.     Let the valleys be raised (“Make the pathway straight and the highway run smooth”)
6.     Blest be the Lord (Schutte)
7.     City of God (Schutte). Suggestion. Change “has turned” into “will turn
8.     I Rejoiced (Foley)
9.     Let Heaven Rejoice (Dufford)
  • First Reading – Baruch 5:1-9: Jerusalem, take off your mourning and wear God’s eternal glory. God will reveal your splendor to the world, gather your children, and lead Israel with joy, mercy, and justice.
  • Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 126;  The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.
  • When the Lord restored Zion, we were overjoyed. Nations acknowledged God’s great deeds for us. We pray for renewed fortunes and rejoice, knowing that sorrow will turn to joy.
  • Second Reading – Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11: I joyfully pray for you, confident that God will complete His work in you. I pray your love grows in knowledge, so you can discern what is best and be righteous in Christ.
  • Gospel – Luke 3:1-6: During Tiberius Caesar’s reign, God’s word came to John in the desert. He preached repentance and forgiveness, fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy to prepare the way for the Lord and reveal God’s salvation.

1.     Mugna Sa Dios
2.     Nagahalad Kami
3.     Daygon Ikaw Ginoong Dios
4.     Pag-aalay ng Puso
5.     Narito Ako, Panginoon
6.     Ang Tangin Alay
7.     Dwelling Place
8.     All That I have (Hangad)
1.     Si Hesus ang Dalan, literally pwede siya sa Gospel
2.     Kinabuhi mo, Kinabuhi Ko
3.     Adlaw’g Gabii
4.     Ang Mabuhay sa Pag-ibig (Tabuena, Hontiveros) 
5.     Bawat Sandali (Gan, Francisco)
6.     Likhain Mong Muli (Alejo, Francisco)
7.     Maging Akin Muli (Aquino) Nos. 3 and 4 are both admittedly Lenten, but if you study the lyrics applicable siya sa Gospel. 
8.     Halina Jesus Aming Mananakop 
9.     Panginoon Masdan Mo
10.   In Him Alone (Francisco)
11.   One Thing I Ask (Tirol)
12.   Turn to Me (Foley)
13.   Patience People (Foley)
14.   The Face of God (Francisco)
1.     Umanhi Ka Ayaw Paglangan
2.     Pagpangatagak na Yamog
3.     Tanda ng Kaharian ng Diyos (Morano, Francisco)
4.     Sumigaw sa Galak (Que) 
5.     The Lord is my Light. Prioritize Stanza 2: “Your face, Lord, I seek.”
6.     Let there Be Peace on Earth (Miller, Jackson)
7.     Cry out with Joy
8.     Wait for the Lord

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - October 27, 2024

      Thanks sa pagbisita.

The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B highlights God’s love and mercy. The readings show how God listens to our cries and heals our brokenness. Here are some themes for this Sunday for you to choose the right songs for the mass:
  • God’s Restoration: God promises to bring back His people and heal their wounds. In Jeremiah, God gathers His people from exile.
  • Compassionate Priesthood: Hebrews speaks of the high priest who understands our weaknesses. Jesus, our High Priest, is compassionate and merciful.
  • Faith and Healing: In the Gospel, Bartimaeus shows great faith. Jesus heals him because of his faith.
  • Call to Repentance: Jeremiah calls the people to return to God. God wants to restore and forgive.
  • Jesus’ Compassion: Jesus stops to help Bartimaeus despite the crowd. His mercy is shown in action.
  • Trust in God: Bartimaeus trusts Jesus completely. He believes Jesus can heal him.
  • Joyful Return: Jeremiah talks about a joyful return to the Promised Land. God’s people find joy in His promises.
The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B reminds us of God’s love and mercy. The readings show that God hears us and wants to heal and restore us. 
1.     Pag-inambitay
2.     Ang Puso Ko’y Nagpupuri (Hontiveros) Use Stanza 5.
3.     Bayan, Magsiawit Na! (Aquino) Use Stanza 2. 
4.     Buklod ng Pag-ibig (Pangilinan, Hontiveros) 
5.     Dinggin Mo (Esteban, Hontiveros) 
6.     Magnificat (Haas)
7.     As We Gather (Faye-Coomes)

  • First Reading – Jeremiah 31:7-9: The LORD promises to bring back the remnant of Israel from the north, comforting and guiding them as a father, ensuring a safe return for all, including the vulnerable.
  • Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 126: The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.
The LORD restored Zion’s captives, filling us with joy. Nations recognized God’s deeds. We pray for renewed fortunes, knowing those who sow in tears will reap in joy, bringing in their harvest.
  • Second Reading – Hebrews 5:1-6: High priests are chosen from among men to offer sacrifices for sins. Christ, called by God, is a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek, not by self-glorification.
  • Gospel – Mark 10:46-52: Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, called out to Jesus for mercy. Despite being told to be quiet, he persisted. Jesus healed him, saying his faith had saved him. Bartimaeus then followed Jesus.
1.    Pagdaygon Ka Dios
2.    Nagahalad Kami
3.    Ang Tanging Alay Ko
4.    Narito Ako, Panginoon (Que)
5.    Narito Ako (San Andres)
6.    Unang Alay (Magnaye) 
7.    Earthen Vessels (Foley) 
8.    Prayer for Generosity (Arboleda) 
9.    Dwelling Place (Foley)
10. To Be Your Bread (Haas)
1.    Hari sa Gugma
2.     Dios Namo sa Kalooy, although pang-holy week ang tema ng kanta but still swak sa gospel
3.    Awit ng Paghahangad (Cenzon)
4.    Awit ng Paghilom (Aquino) Best choice.
5.    Bawat Sandali (Gan, Francisco) 
6.    Kahanga-hanga (Corpuz, Hontiveros)
7.    Manalig Ka (Perez)
8.    Manatili Ka (Francisco)
9.    O Hesus, Hilumin Mo (Francisco) Also a very good choice
10. Panginoon Aking Tanglaw (Ramirez)
11. Sa Diyos Lamang Mapapanatag (Isidro, Que)
12. Come to Me (Francisco) 
13. Come to Me All Who Are Weary (Shutte)
14. Empty Space (Go, Francisco)
15. In Him Alone (Francisco)
16. Lead Me, Lord (De Pano)
17. The Cry of the Poor (Foley)
18. You Are Mine (Haas) 
19. Your Heart Today (Francisco) 
1.    Ang Atong Tulubagon
2.    Ang Tawag
(Before singing any Marian Song as recessional, ask the permission of your Parish Priest if ok lang ba to use it. However, it's important to note:

·       No Hard and Fast Rule: There's no official prohibition against singing Marian hymns during the recessional. The choice of music is often left to the discretion of the priest and the parish music director.
·       Honoring Mary: Singing Marian hymns is a way of honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is revered as the Mother of God in the Catholic Church. Her role in salvation history is significant, and many Catholics find solace and inspiration in her intercession.
Ultimately, the decision of what music to sing during the recessional is a matter of pastoral judgment and should be guided by a desire to enhance the liturgical celebration and promote the spiritual growth of the congregation.)
3.    Aba, Ginoong Maria
4.    Awit sa Ina ng Santo Rosaryo
5.    Ave, Maria
6.    Awit ng Pasasalamat (Hontiveros)
7.    Magpasalamat Kayo sa Panginoon (Ramirez) Stanza 2 ang priority.
8.    Mapapalad (Ramirez)
9.    Dear Lady of Fatima
10. Immaculate Mother
11. Hail Mary
12. Ave Maria 
13. All My Days (Schutte, Murray)
14. I Will Sing Forever (Francisco)
15. My Heart’s Thanksgiving (Aquino)
Have a blessed weekend everyone… 

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - October 6, 2024

The readings for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B highlight the importance of unity, family, and following God’s will. They remind us of the value of marriage, the role of children, and Jesus’ teachings on these topics.

If you want to create your own line-up of songs, you can use these themes:
  • Unity in Marriage: God creates woman as a partner for man, showing that marriage is meant to be a union of equals. This unity is blessed by God.
  • Importance of Family: The readings emphasize the family as the basic unit of society. Jesus’ love for children highlights the importance of nurturing and caring for family members.
  • God’s Plan for Marriage: Jesus teaches that marriage is a sacred bond. He reminds us that this bond should not be broken lightly.
  • Innocence of Children: Jesus shows special care for children. He teaches that we should have a childlike trust and openness to enter the Kingdom of God.
  • Respect for Women: The creation of woman as a partner for man shows the respect and value given to women. This teaches us to respect and honor women in our lives.
  • Jesus’ Teachings on Divorce: Jesus addresses the issue of divorce, urging us to respect the commitment made in marriage. He calls for fidelity and commitment in relationships.
  • Christ’s Humility and Suffering: In Hebrews, we see Jesus’ willingness to suffer for humanity. This calls us to follow His example of humility and sacrifice.

The themes for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B guide us to appreciate marriage, value family, and follow Jesus’ teachings. They remind us to live with unity, respect, and commitment in our relationships.
1.   Pag-inambitay
2.     Diha sa Halaran
3.     Diosnong Magtutudlo
4.     Buklod ng Pag-ibig
5.     Isang Pananalampataya
6.     Sa Hapag ng Panginoon
7.     Blest be the Lord (Schutte)
8.     Glory and Praise to our God (Schutte)
9.     Lover of Us All (Schutte)
10.   Let Heaven Rejoice (Dufford) I'm going to recommend this too if your priest shall be reading the longer version of the Gospel.
  • First Reading – Genesis 2:18-24: God created animals and birds for man to name, but none was suitable. God then made a woman from man’s rib. Man recognized her as his equal and partner.
  • Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 128: May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives.
Blessed are those who fear the Lord and follow his ways. They will enjoy prosperity, family blessings, and peace. May the Lord bless us throughout our lives.
  • Second Reading – Hebrews 2:9-11: He was made lower than the angels to taste death for everyone. By God’s grace, he leads many to glory, becoming perfect through suffering and calling us “brothers.”
  • Gospel – Mark 10:2-16: The Pharisees tested Jesus about divorce, and he emphasized God’s original design for marriage. He also welcomed children, stating the importance of receiving the kingdom of God like a child.
1.      Pagdaygon Ka Dios
2.     Nagahalad Kami
3.     Isang Pagkain, Isang Katawan, Isang Bayan
4.     Paghahandog ng Sarili
5.     Blessed Be God 
6.     Take Our Bread (Wise) 
7.     To be your bread (Haas) 
1.      Balaan nga Gugma
2.     Way Sukod Man ang Pagmahal
3.     Kay Kita Usa Ra
4.     Dakilang Pag-ibig (Pangilinan, Hontiveros)
5.     Huwag Kang Mangamba (Pagsanghan, Francisco)
6.     Panunumpa (Gonzales)
7.     Pag-ibig Ko (Hangad)
8.     Tungo Sa’yo (Hangad)
9.     Far Greater Love (Go, Francisco)
10.   God of Love (Schutte) 
11.    In Him Alone (Francisco)
12.   Love is the Answer (Hannissian)
13.   One More Gift (Francisco)
14.   So The Love of God (Schutte)
1.   Ang Tawag
2.   Bisan Unsa nga Marian Song
3.   Tanda ng Kaharian ng Diyos (Morano, Francisco) if your priest shall be reading the longer version of the Gospel.
4.   Aba, Ginoong Maria
5.   Awit ng Pagsuyo (Borres, Francisco) 
6.   Mariang Ina Ko (Pagsanghan, Francisco) 
7.   Awit sa Ina ng Santo Rosaryo 
8.   The Latin Ave Maria 
9.   E2 if not used as entrance song
Please pray the HOLY ROSARY of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Brothers and Sisters ðŸ˜Š

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - August 4, 2024

 Salamat po sa suporta at pagbisita.

The 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B readings focus on God’s care and our call to live in righteousness. These readings remind us of God’s constant presence and the need for spiritual nourishment.
  • God’s Care for Needs: God provided bread and meat to the Israelites in the desert, showing His care for their physical needs. This reminds us that God listens and responds to our needs.
  • Bread from Heaven: The manna from heaven in Exodus and Jesus as the bread of life in John show that God provides both physical and spiritual nourishment. This teaches us to seek God for our true sustenance.
  • Rejecting Old Ways: Paul tells the Ephesians to discard their old sinful ways and embrace a new life. This means living according to Jesus’ teachings in righteousness and holiness.
  • Renewal of Mind: Renewal in Christ means changing how we think and act. Paul calls us to let go of sinful thoughts and behaviors and adopt a Christ-like mindset.
  • Seeking Eternal Life: In John, Jesus tells the crowd to seek food that endures to eternal life. This highlights the importance of focusing on spiritual growth and salvation over earthly desires.
  • Jesus as the Bread of Life: Jesus declares that He is the bread of life, promising that those who come to Him will never hunger or thirst. This signifies that true fulfillment comes from a relationship with Jesus.
These themes from the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B encourage us to trust in God’s care and seek a deeper relationship with Christ. Reflecting on these themes can guide us in our spiritual journey.
1.     Diosnong Magtutudlo, “aron lamang mabuhi sa imong mga hatag.”
2.     Awit mga Binuhat
3.     Pag-aalaala (Francisco) “Sa piging”
4.     Sa Hapag ng Panginoon (Morano & Francisco) 
5.     Table of Plenty
  • First Reading – Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15: The Israelites complained of hunger, so God promised to send bread from heaven and meat at dusk to demonstrate His power and care.
  • Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 78: The Lord gave them bread from heaven.
  • God provided manna from heaven as food and led the faithful to His holy land, demonstrating His power and care.
  • Second Reading – Ephesians 4:17, 20-24: Discard your old ways and renew your mind. Embrace a new self, crafted in righteousness and holiness, as taught by Jesus Christ.
  • Gospel – John 6:24-35: Jesus teaches in Capernaum, telling the crowd to seek eternal sustenance. He identifies himself as the bread of life, promising that those who come to him will never hunger or thirst.
1.     Daygon Ikaw Ginoong Dios, “gikan sa imong kamanggihatagon, nadawat namo kini…”
2.     Uban Ning Pan ug Bino
3.     Gasa sa Gugma
4.     Isang Pagkain, Isang Katawan, Isang Bayan (San Pedro)
5.     Pag-aalay (Francisco)
6.     One Bread, One Body (Foley) Best Choice.
7.     Christify (Francisco & Reyes)
8.     Take our Bread (Wise)
1.     Kini Mao’ng Akong Lawas, “dawata kini… langitnong kalan-on”
2.     Magsaulog Kita Karon, “Sa kauhaw ug kagutom, ang Ginoo nagapakaon.”
3.     Ito ang Aking Katawan (Isidro & Ramirez)
4.     Tinapay ng Buhay (Atienza, Borres & Francisco) 
5.     Sa Dapit Hapon (Tabuena & Hontiveros) admittedly Lenten, but if you prioritize Stanza 3...
6.     Tanggapin Ninyo (Que) 
7.     Say the Word (Torres & Pantig-de Jesus)
8.     Anima Christi (Arboleda)
9.     The Presence of Jesus (Haas)
10.   We Remember (Haugen) Stanzas 1 and 2 ang priority.
1.     Ang Tawag
2.     Tanda ng Kaharian
3.     I am the Bread of Life (Toolan)

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - July 21, 2024

 Salamat po sa pagdalaw sa blog naming ito.

On the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, the readings highlight God’s care for His people and the unity brought by Christ. They show how God promises to guide and protect us, breaking down barriers and giving us peace.

  • God’s Promise to Lead: Jeremiah speaks of God condemning bad leaders and promising to lead His people with wisdom and justice. This shows God’s commitment to guide and protect His flock.
  • Unity in Christ: Ephesians highlights how Christ’s sacrifice has made us one. He has broken down barriers, giving us all access to the Father and creating peace among us.
  • Compassion of Jesus: In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus sees the crowd’s need and teaches them with compassion. He recognizes their need for guidance, like sheep without a shepherd.
  • Just Leadership: Jeremiah’s message emphasizes the need for just and wise leaders. God promises to personally ensure the safety and growth of His people.
  • Peace Through Sacrifice: Ephesians explains how Christ’s sacrifice brings peace. His actions reconcile us with God and each other.
  • Need for Guidance: Mark’s Gospel shows people seeking Jesus’ guidance. Jesus responds with compassion, understanding their need for a shepherd.

The 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B reminds us of God’s promise to lead and protect us. It also shows how Christ’s sacrifice unites us and brings peace.

1.     Pag-inambitay
2.     Himaya Kanimo Kristo Jesus, prioritize stanza 4
3.     Sa Hapag ng Panginoon (Morano, Francisco)
4.     Hosea (Norbet) admittedly pang Lent, pero if you prioritize and repeat Stanza 3. 
5.     I Rejoiced (Foley) Stanza 2 ang priority. 
6.     My Heart’s Thanksgiving (Aquino) Stanza 2 ang priority. 
7.     Save Us, O Lord (Dufford) Stanza 2 ang priority.
  • First Reading – Jeremiah 23:1-6: The LORD condemns leaders who mislead His flock and promises to personally restore and protect them with just and wise leadership, ensuring their safety and growth.
  • Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 23:  The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want
I am guided by the Lord and need nothing more. He comforts and protects me always, and I will dwell with Him forever.
  • Second Reading – Ephesians 2:13-18; Christ has made us one by His sacrifice, breaking down barriers and granting us all access to the Father, ensuring peace among us.
  • Gospel – Mark 6:30-34: Jesus and the apostles retreat for rest, but a large crowd follows. Seeing their need, Jesus compassionately teaches them, recognizing their guidance like sheep without a shepherd.

1.     Dios Nia Ko
2.     Mugna Sa Dios
3.     Pag-aalay (Francisco) 
4.     Unang Alay (Magnaye) 
5.     Blessed Be God 
6.     To Be Your Bread (Haas) 
1.     Ang Dios Magbalantay (Fernandez)
2.     Ang Ginoo Akong Magbalantay (Koro Viannista)
3.     Kini Maong Akong Lawas
4.     Nadawat Namo Ginoo
5.     Ang Mabuting Pastol (Hontiveros)
6.     Ang Panginoon ang aking Pastol (Isidro, Ramirez)
7.     Kapayapaan (Aquino) 
8.     Sa Diyos Lamang Mapapanatag (Isidro, Que) Stanza 3 ang priority. 
9.     Psalm 23 (Hangad)
10.   As Water to the Thirsty (Haas)
11.   Come to Me (Francisco)
12.   Far Greater Love (Go, Francisco)
13.   Like a Shepherd (Dufford)
14.   One More Gift (Francisco)
15.   Pastorale (Francisco)
16.   Prayer for Peace (Haas)
17.   Prayer of Saint Francis (Temple)
18.   Theme from the Cardinal 
19.   Turn to Me (Foley) 
1.     Kinsa?
2.     Ang Tawag
3.     Pagbanwag
4.     Paghigugma sa Ginoo
5.     Tanda ng Kaharian ng Diyos (Morano, Francisco) 
6.     I Will Sing Forever (Francisco)

Pentecost Sunday - Year B - May 19, 2024

Thank you po sa mga bumisita. Pasensya at late ang post at naubusan ng allowance kaya di nakapagload ng data.

The readings for Pentecost Year B clearly tell us that we need to be willing to receive the Holy Spirit and then use the gifts we receive. In the first reading we hear how the Holy Spirit came to the disciples and empowered them to share the gospel with people from different nations. The second reading tells us that it is the Holy Spirit who enables us to proclaim the gospel in unity. In the gospel Jesus breathes on his followers and enables them to forgive sins.

Pentecost Year B marks a crucial event in the Christian calendar, celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. Here are some key themes from the readings of this day:

  • Empowerment by the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit descends on the disciples, enabling them to speak in diverse languages. This highlights the Spirit's role in empowering believers to communicate God's wonders universally.
  • Living by the Spirit: Paul encourages living according to the Spirit, not the desires of the flesh. This contrast shows the transformation and guidance provided by the Spirit, leading to a life of virtue.
  • Role of the Advocate: Jesus promises the Advocate, the Spirit of truth, who will testify about Him and guide the disciples into all truth. This points to the Spirit’s role in continuing Jesus' mission and revealing divine truths.
  • Unity and diversity: The event of Pentecost illustrates the coming together of diverse peoples through the power of the Holy Spirit. It celebrates both unity and diversity within the Church.
  • Fruits of the Spirit: The reading from Galatians lists the fruits of living in the Spirit, like love, joy, and peace. These qualities are marks of a Christian life deeply rooted in the Spirit.

The themes for Pentecost Year B guide believers in understanding their role in the Church and the wider world.

1.    Himaya Kanimo (Koro Vianista)
2.    Awit sa Himaya
3.    Diha Halaran
4.    Bayan Magsiawit Na (Aquino)
5.    Bayan, Umawit (Borres, Baltazar and Francisco)
6.    Pagbabasbas (Javellana, Arboleda and Francisco)
7.    Send us Your Spirit (Haas)
8.    Come Holy Spirit
9.    Send Your Spirit (Hangad)
10. Veni Creator Spiritus
  • First Reading - Acts 2:1-11: During Pentecost, disciples filled with the Holy Spirit spoke in various languages, astounding the diverse crowd in Jerusalem, as each heard the wonders of God in their own tongue.
  • Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 104: Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
  • I praise the immensely great Lord, filled with awe at His varied creations. I rejoice in Him, knowing He renews the earth, giving and recalling life with His Spirit.
  • Second Reading - 1 Corinthians 12:3B-7, 12-13: No one can say "Jesus is Lord" without the Holy Spirit. Diverse spiritual gifts, services, and functions come from one Spirit, uniting us as Christ's body, transcending all divisions.
  • Alternate Second Reading - Galatians 5:16-25: Live guided by the Spirit, not the flesh's desires which oppose the Spirit. The flesh's acts are clear, but the Spirit's fruit brings virtues like love and self-control. In Christ, we overcome fleshly desires, walking in the Spirit's harmony.
  • Gospel John 20:19-23: On the evening following his resurrection, Jesus miraculously appeared to his disciples, who were hiding in fear. He greeted them with a message of peace and showed them his crucifixion wounds. Their fear turned to joy. Jesus then empowered them with the Holy Spirit and the authority to forgive sins.
  • Alternate Gospel - John 15:26-27; 16:12-15: Jesus promised his disciples the Advocate, the Spirit of truth, sent from the Father, would testify about Him and guide them into all truth. The Spirit, speaking not independently but from Jesus' teachings, will disclose future events and glorify Jesus, revealing the deep truths that belong to both Jesus and the Father.

1.    Gasa sa Gugma
2.    O Dios Dawata
3.    Pagdaygon ka Dios
4.    Daygon Ikaw Ginoong Dios
5.    Unsay Among Dalhon, Ginoo
6.    Isang Pagkain, 1 Katawan, 1 Bayan (San Pedro)
7.    Paghahandog ng Sarili (Arboleda, Francisco)
8.    One Bread, One Body (Foley) “Many the gifts” is reminiscent of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
9.    Take our Bread (Wise) Stanza 2 ang priority.
1.    Balaan nga Gugma
2.    Ang Kalinaw Ibilin Ko Kaninyo
3.    O Espiritu Santo
4.    O Dios Ikaw Haduol
5.    Kinabuhi Mo, Kinabuhi Ko
6.    Liwanagan Mo, Hesus (Aquino)
7.    Espiritung Banal
8.    You Never Left Me (Hangad)
9.    Let Your Fire Fall
10. Here I am Lord
11. Breath of God (Hatch & Francisco)
12. The Presence of Jesus (Haas): Stanza 5 ang priority
1.    Ang Tawag
2.    Ang Atong Tulubagon
3.    Ang Tawag sa Panahon
4.    Diocesan Shared Vision
5.    Humayo’t Ihayag (Francisco, Catalan, and Go)
6.    Bayan ng Dios
7.    Pilgrim’s Theme (Go & Francisco)
8.    We are Yours
9.    Live by the Spirit.
10. I Will Sing (Francisco) dapat may chant yung “mamaye”


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